Not one to take their foot off the gas, the team at LOOPFEST are back at it and raring to go with another round of LIVE MUSIC to shake off the Autumn chills. A fiver entry lets you see some banging acts and helps LOOPFEST deliver their biggest festival yet.<\/p>\n
Starts at 13:00 and goes on until late.<\/p>\n
MAGIC KEV<\/h3>\n
Magic Kev will make items disappear and reappear in unopened and factory sealed tins of baked beans and socks, make lights appear from behind children\u2019s ears and make the water from cups vanish (much to the delight of the brave Mum or Dad standing beneath the aforementioned cup).<\/p>\n
An affable, charming and skilful performer, Rowan is a confident songwriter who manages to be both introspective and exuberant within the same song.<\/p>\n