LOOP Meets… Boom Boom Womb

LOOPFEST roving reporter David Molby joined Gemima Gallier to talk about the hottest musical biscuit in Shropshire right now… Boom Boom Womb.

Hi Gem! How the ruddy buggery are ya?

I’m grand thanks mate, most chuffed with the new single and all that :)

Lovely jubbly. First things, Boom Boom Womb. Top notch name for a top notch band. Where did the name come from and what other names were you toying with?

I feel like this is a wanky answer but nothing special, it just happened upon me. No other names in the mix, the name came before the band, haha. It was always going to be Boom Boom Womb.

Interrrrrsting. So, I’m new in town, imma about to head off to see Boom Boom Womb. What should I expect?

Four scrumptious babies with lots of energy, singing real songs for real people. Punky rock and roll/riot grrrl sound with a sprinkling of grunge.

Also nip tape and lots of hair.

Sounds inviting! Tell us who your bandmates are and all that jazz?

So we have lovely Remy on Drums…this woman can play most instruments and is super super intelligent…she can whip up a website in seconds, bake you the best cake you’ve ever seen and bash the shit out of the drums… all whilst being cute as fuck. Loves Care Bears…. hates bras.

Liv is on bass… Liv I have known a looong time and she has always been an extremely talented women. She owns a tattoo shop with her partner (who is an amazing photographer) and is an absolutely amazing artist as well as being and incredible musician. She has written a lot of Boom Boom Womb’s favourite riffs and also plays guitar and always looks cool as fuck. Loves drawing on people…hates youngblud.

And Alex!! What can I say, our sweet baby boy! This is just a wonderful human…also a very skilled guy in all areas of music. Doing sound engineering for loadsa things and creating those sweet riffs…ear orgasms basically. Never mansplains and is always helpful and lovely to everyone he meets. Loves stripping…hates gluten(or does gluten hate him?)

You’ve just released your debut single (available at all good streaming services and the shite ones). How did the recording sesh go and have you plans to record again?

Tell you what it was so bloody great. We recorded with Thom from The Big Hell and found the experience to be so relaxed and easy. We were able to be ourselves and he made us feel super comfortable. So yeah, we are super happy with the whole thing. He mixed it just right and really got out sound, we really appreciated that…and yes! Corse we are going to record again, very soon…

You’ve played a fair few gigs this year since your debut at Loopfest 23, what’s been your fave and why?

⁠For me the debut at Loopfest is up there…it was just really bloody lovely to see how many people showed up and gave us support that day ❤️

I’m noticing a glam, riot grrrlll, punky feel to your sound. Give us 5 songs that influence your sound.

⁠oooh just five? Okaaay… Rebel Girl.. Security… Shitlist…You’re standing on my Neck… bit of Hole too probs.

There’s a heck of a lot of great music happening in Shrops at the moment. Why do you think that is?

I think people are fed up of the lack of different genres in the charts maybe. Also there’s just some really interesting people emerging in music. People you want to watch and see what they do next. Punk always comes back… it’s a good release/escape, people need that at the moment.

What are your plans over the next 12 months?

Gig, write, record and meet as many lovely music folk as we can.

If BBW were a biscuit. What would they be and why?

⁠Pink wafer…not for absolutely everyone but those that love them, can’t stop eating them.